Monthly Archives: December 2008

Movie Recommendation

i just got done watching a awesome documentary/movie called “Rumbo A Las Grandes Ligas.”  it is based on the true story that every dominican has to go by in order for them to be on the major leagues.  every dominican dreams about being on the major leagues but only few are chosen to play in such a place.  after the usa, dominican republic is the second place in the world that has more player playing in the major leagues.

baseball it is not just “un deporte” for these guys… is a business. they play it because they love it and because they see a chance for them and their family to get out of debt.  i think that this is a “‘must watch” movie if you are open minded and you want to learn more about my culture on how we come from the bottom with nothing trying to make a live.  even though i did not experience a lot of these events… my family does. so do not try to come to me saying that you do not feel sorry for me, becuase i have family that i have to help as well.

here is a link for more information about this movie: i hope that you will enjoy it as much as i did.

Finally My Files

so since my computer broke down i haven’t been able to extract my personals files from a zip folder.  the file itself is 30gb and it didn’t feel like comming out.  but guess what!? today it did 🙂 finally i got all my files back and i am up and running.

Finally A Break

so after i started my master i have been taking classes after classes.  so far i’ve accomulated 12 credits so 18 more to go :(.  i hope that one day i will make it :).  now i am looking forward to my break which is next week 😉 and i can’t wait any more for it :), i finally going to get to rest for couple of weeks.

UOP – Gmail

university of phoenix will be incorporating thisd december 19, 2008 the new Gmail email interface.  we will not longer be using their hosted email service.  now with Gmail we will have more freedom to use outlook and other email clients applications.

i think this would be nice becuase now i could have outlook or thunderbird as my mail client to send and received emails at all time.  before i wasn’t using their email system but now if they are going to be incorporating this then i gues that i’ll use my uop more than before.