Tag Archives: free

Workspaces in Windows

at some  point in my life i was a windows power user now i am not (just in case you wonder i use linux, mac, and windows).  one thing that i liked about linux was “workspaces.”  they are freaking amazing by allowing you to you multiple “virtual desktops” and move things around.  so in other words you will not have everything one in one desktop and you will be able to have one destop for web, chat, programming, and others in your only one monitor.

so whenever i was switching back and forth from linux and mac to windows it was freaking inrritaring.  i was only allowed to have everything on one screen/display only.  so i went for a search… 🙂 and i found this program called VirtualWin.  this program will allow you to have virtual desktops without the needing of buying multiple monitors.  the following information is a description from their site

VirtuaWin is a virtual desktop manager for the Windows operating system (Win9x/ME/NT/Win2K/XP/Win2003/Vista). A virtual desktop manager lets you organize applications over several virtual desktops (also called ‘workspaces’). Virtual desktops are very common in Unix/Linux, and once you get accustomed to using them, they become an essential part of a productive workflow.

VirtuaWin is designed to be simple and elegant to use yet still be highly configurable and extensible.

so if you are tired of having everything on one window and you would like to be organize (when it comes in terms of applications) then this app will do that for you.  oh!!! did i forget to say that it is for FREE. 😉

VirtuaWin – The Virtual Desktop Manager

Nimbuzz – Free international mobile call chat messaging with skype, msn & yahoo messenger, Icq

if you own a blackberry like me (in my current case pearl 8130) and you wish to be able to use skype and facebook chat then nimbuzz is your solution.  there are all messaging apps available for msn, aol, yahoo, google and others.  but you will not find an application for skype or facebook chat.  skype is still under current development of the skype mobile client and facebook chat is mmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnn, i don’t know.  i don’t think that they will develop an application for facebook chat at the time, plus there are no rumors.

so why am i writing this to inform you something that you would probably already know, well because there is a mobile app for free that will be able to use skype and facebook chat at the same time plus other instant messaging clients.  the program is call nimbuzz and you could go and visit their site (link below) in order to find more information about them and download their program in order to be able to use skype and facebook chat.

hopefully you will enjoy as much as i do. i absolutely love it.

Nimbuzz – Free international mobile call chat messaging with skype, msn & yahoo messenger, Icq

PS: you will need to create an account with them and provide your mobile phone number. i thought that it was a scam, but is not. 😉

Setting up an OpenVPN

This tutorial will illustrate how to install OpenVPN on a Linux box using Fedora 9 as a server and using Windows XP as your client PC. This is totally free and you will be able to connect to your Virtual Private Network (VPN) all around the world with no problem.


  1. Open up “Terminal
  2. Become a super user type “su
  3. Now your password
  4. Type “yum install openvpn
  5. Copy the RSA keys to the openvpn folder
    cp -R /usr/share/openvpn/easy-rsa/ /etc/openvpn
    cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/
  6. Make a directory for your keys
    mkdir /etc/openvpn/keys
  7. Edit “vars” by typing
    nano vars
  8. Set the parameters for KEY_COUNTRY, KEY_PROVINCE, KEY_CITY, KEY_ORG and KEY_MAIL as desired
  9. add this new line “export KEY_DIR="/etc/openvpn/keys"
  10. Initialize PKI
    . ./vars
  11. Clean
  12. Build CA
  13. Build server key
    ./build-key-server server

    Answer “y“, then “y

  14. Generate certificates for your clients
    ./build-key client1

    Answer “y“, then “y

    NOTE: If you want to add future users.
    do a “source ./vars” THEN build your key

  15. Generate Diffie Hellman parameters
  16. Copy server configuration files and edit
    cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn-2.1/sample-config-files/server.conf /etc/openvpn/
    cd /etc/openvpn
    nano server.conf
  17. Go to these lines and edit them
    cert keys/server.crt
    key keys/server.key
    dh keys/dh1024.pem

    if you want to have your VPN being route to your LAN then take out ; from push “route” and change to the current settings of your LAN

  18. You are almost done. 😉 Now start your OpenVPN server
    service openvpn start
    chkconfig openvpn on
  19. To setup the client. Go to your windows machine and you will go to this site http://openvpn.se/download.html and download their GUI and install it, once you are done come back and finish this 😀
  20. Download the ca.crt, client1.crt and client1.key to the windows machine from your linux box.  insert these files in “C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config“.
  21. Copy the sample file from “C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\sample-config\client.ovpn” and paste it on “C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config
  22. Now edit your client.ovpn and configure it.  Open “Notepad“.
  23. Edit “remote my-server-1 1194” where my-server-1 is going to be the ip address of your server
  24. Edit
    ca ca.crt
    cert client.crt
    key client.key

    where these now are going to be
    ca ca.crt
    cert client1.crt
    key client1.key

  25. Take out ; for the ns-cert-type server
  26. And that’s it.  you should be able to connect to your server and to others computers in that LAN.  Congrats.  If you wan to test your connection “ping 10.8.0.” which it is your VPN server.

If you are having any trouble with the connection please make sure that your firewall is allowing port 1194.  If you are behind a NAT also make sure that you are allowing that port.

NOTE: This tutorial worked for me but it might not work for you. So it is not grantee.  Do it at your own risk.

Export friend and blacklist from Mailwasher

This is a tutorial that it will illustrate how to export your friend and black list from Mailwasher 5.3 on Windows XP.

I been using Mailwasher for quite while now and it is a really good application to catch spam, but I was wondering how to come up with something that I could export my friend and black list from their application. Unfortunately you could only import *.csv files into their app and not export any data. Well, I bet that you are wondering how to export your list and post it on another email account of yours.


  1. Open “Windows Explorer
    Make sure that “Show hidden files and folders” it is chose. Don’t know how to do this click here.
  2. Replace “your_user” for your Windows XP account user name
    Go to “C:\Documents and Settings\your_user\Application Data\MailWasherPro
  3. Copy “Blacklist.txt” to your Desktop or desire folder
  4. Open “Blacklist.txt” with your desire application. Add and remove all the email addresses that you want from it.
  5. Save As” Blasklist file and make sure that you change the extension to the extension that your email account is asking for you to import your email friend and/or blacklist. Usually they always use *.csv format.

Now you are done. That was easy wasn’t it. 😛