Monthly Archives: November 2008

iTunes in Virtualbox and your iPod

so after installing ubuntu in my desktop i started to install windows xp on a virtual machine.  yes, i am running away from BLUE SCREENS and VIRUSES, why wouldn’t you?! well anyways… i needed my iTunes to run propertly and be able to sync with my iPod. i got it work worh with my library and THANK God that i make backups :).  well i thought that after enableling my usb drive and pluging my ipod and telling my itunes that my ipod is connected it was going to work propertly, but guess what!!! it didn’t.

so there was a extra special step that i had to take and it was pretty easy.  i shutted down my virtual machine and open up virtualbox program.  went to the windows xp settings, and then to usb.  in the usb i connected my ipod and waited until my ubuntu system recognized my ipod and then added the ipod to the filters.  this will allow my ipod to be recognized by windows before my ubuntu system.  pretty clever ah!

and that would be it… now my ipod works like if there was a sole windows os installed.  hope this helps to anybody.

Enable USB with Virtualbox

this small tutorial will illustrate how to have your usb working with virtualbox.  virtualbox has the usb support disable by default.  if you want to have your usb to work properly with virtualbox you would have to perform the following steps.

this tutorial applies for ubuntu 8.10.  but it might work with other distros.


  1. type “sudo gedit /etc/init.d/
  2. go to the following block
    # Magic to make /proc/bus/usb work
    #mkdir -p /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs
    #domount usbfs “” /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs -obusmode=0700,devmode=0600,listmode=0644
    #ln -s .usbfs/devices /dev/bus/usb/devices
    #mount --rbind /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb

    change it to
    # Magic to make /proc/bus/usb work
    mkdir -p /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs
    domount usbfs “” /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs -obusmode=0700,devmode=0600,listmode=0644
    ln -s .usbfs/devices /dev/bus/usb/devices
    mount --rbind /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb

  3. now go type “sudo gedit /etc/fstab”
  4. copy and paste the following code to your fstab
    none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=1000,devmode=664 0 0

you are almost done.  now reboot your computer and you should be good to go.

Testing Tables Did Work

so today get i get to work i get a news feed message from microsoft saying “Testing tables.”  i was like WTF is this.  so i open it and look at it… and then i realize that i think that i was supposed to give microsoft some feedback…. NOT!!!

take a look at the pic of microsoft screwing up again.

Tables Did Work

click on the picture to enlarge

Groceries Shopping Like Home

so today i went groceries shopping and i felt like i was back home. i went to a grocery store that it was 2:15 hrs. away from my house and they had all the food that i could buy from home. i went to a place called Fiesta Market in belvidere, illinois.  the only difference was that i was surrounded by mexicans 😛 intead of dominicans 😛



no body would believe me this but today i found a treasure. yes, a tresuare i said.  well, at least for me. 😉  so’ here is what i found… my VERY FIRST web site that i have ever developed…  and in top of that my VERY FIRST program that i’ve ever developed.  this site i developed it when i was 15 years old along with my program.  this program is gold.

this program is called SSWB (Super Special Web Browser)… guess who came up with the name 😉 and what is does is… BROWSE THE WEB… what do you think it would of done… 🙂 … well, why i’ve developed a browser to navigate the net when in that time we had ie5 or ie6?  well, this web browser is the fastest web browser that you could ever use.  even faster than mozilla firefox and i am not kidding.  but, security wise… mmmnnnn, i really do not know.  i didn’t care at that age.

if want to take a look at my page you are more than welcome to go and visit the following link first web site.

if you want to download SSWB all you have to do is to click on the following link Super Special Web Browser.  here is some description from the program “this is like internet explorer, but i create this program (browser), for search specifics things. This browser don’t store, links on the address bar.”  this program was developed in Visual Basic 6 and it was meant to work with windows 98 and ME,  but it is compatible with XP.  just tested 😉

oh! and by the way… sorry for all the grammar errors 🙂 i didn’t mean to write that bad then and now.  enjoy my first program of VB.

Clarke College Athletics Web Site

well, well, well… clarke college realize that their athletic website looked a little bit out-of-date.  so they upgrade their site doing a parthnership with SIDHelp.  now we finaly look like a D1 school with broadcasting and everything.  if you want more information about this article you could visit the following page Clarke College to Launch New Athletics Web Site Wednesday.  some times i asked my self if i came to clarke at the wrong time.  in order to visit the new site all you have to do is to go to

Dirty Pictures Found

so yesterday my girlfriend started to look at my hidden pictures on line and she found a bunch of them back in 1960’s until now.  all i want to say is…

do not judge me for the way i was before, it wasn’t my fault that having a fro was cool… i know i’ve change… now i try to be up to date with the changes in style…

sorry… 😀 those pictures are helarious!!!  here is the link so you can see them Dirty Old Pictures.  by the way, you got to be my friend in order to see them 😀