the other day i was having problems with my blackberry pearl 8130 so i decided to wipe every off and start from scratch. first thing that i did was download all the apps that i had installed. i really do not remember names well enough so i wrote them all down on a piece of paper. then i backed up my contacts and calendar appointments using “Desktop Manager” and then NEW BB boy. then if you are sure 😉 follow the following steps:
- Backup your bb using “Desktop Manager”
Disconnect the device from your computer and do the following.. - Goto “Options”
- then “Security Options”
- then “General Settings”
- then hit menu key
- then “Wipe Handheld”
- now you will be prompt to type the word “blackberry”
- confirm, and you are done
now all you have to do is to wait until the blackberry restart it self and now you will have a blackberry like the first time you got it. good luck.