Tag Archives: infranview


Infranview is a small and compact program that allows you to be a creative person with basic tools. Infranview is a freebe application that I found navigating through out the web. Infranview allows you to open most of the images extensions available without any problem.

InfraviewBut what is it that I really like about Infranview? The feature that I like the most about Infranview is InfranView Thumbnails. This add-on comes with InfranView program. This program allows you to quickly make thumbnails with couple of clicks. All you have to do is to go to the desirable folder, pick the images and then create the thumbnails. The thumbnail sizes run from 50×50 – 800×800 pixels.

For more information and download Infranview please click here or visit http://www.irfanview.net/.

Keep yourself posted for the coming tutorial ;).