Tag Archives: rss

Facebook Imported Sites

so i discover yesterday something pretty neat. 😛  what is what i discover?! this wonderful tool developed by Facebook which it allows me to import my RSS to my notes.  so since i have a blog where i post all or at least part of my life, this should go automatically to my facebook notes using RSS.  all i had to do was to link my RSS to the facebook application and everything is ready to go.

before of this i was using wordbook which it was a really neat aplpication as well.  but now since i have this, i guess there will be no more need of using wordbook any more.

Import from another blog

wordpress is so nice that it allows you to import stuff from another blog into wordpress. i currently imported all my data from my old blog from msn live spaces to wordpress. it is really easy to do and it was done through RSS.

this tutorial was done using firefox but i bet that you could use another web browser app.


  1. go to you old blog OR the blog where you are going to be exporting the information
  2. click on the RSS button in order to load it
  3. once you have the RSS open, go to “File” > “Save Page As...
  4. save as “feeds.rss
  5. Now go to your wordpress blog
  6. go to “Manage” > “Import
  7. click on “RSS
  8. Browse” the file that you just saved as “feeds.rss
  9. then click “Upload file and import
  10. now your old blog should be in the wordpress database uploaded